Walk just 4,000 steps to reduce the risk of premature death.

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Walk just 4,000 steps to reduce the risk of premature death.

Physical movement by walking has become a new trend in health care in the present era. In particular, products such as watches or applications. That can count the number of steps taken each day have become important devices. That people in the modern era like. There is a belief that people should walk more than 10,000 steps per day to be considered to have better health.

But according to the latest research publishe โปรโมชั่น ufabet in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology recently, walking just 4,000 steps a day is enough to lead an active lifestyle and reduce the risk of various diseases.

The researchers concluded that daily walking for health does not have to involve many steps to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

On average, participants in the study met the criteria by walking about 4,000 steps per day, and many may have a lower threshold of about 2,500 steps per day. The researchers found that the criteria differed between men and women, age, geography, environment in each country, especially diet and other related risk factors. However, the overall conclusion from this study was that adults over 60 years old who walked 6,000-10,000 steps per day had a 42% reduced risk of death, while those under 60 years old who walked about 7,000-13,000 steps per day had a 49% reduced risk of death.

While this study was able to draw empirical conclusions about cause and effect.

It is worth noting that it omitted variables that could be important determinants of disease risk and longer life expectancy in the study participants, such as socioeconomic status and lifestyle, meaning that daily step counts were only one important factor studied.